
Group: DynoMotion Message: 15121 From: magergar@hotmail.com Date: 10/31/2017
Subject: Can't Load C Code File to Kflop
Attachments :
    I'm trying to compile and load a C file and it stuck in this line:

    String Result =KM.CompileAndLoadCoff(1,path,false);

    it's not a communication error because I can use commands and can run the SimpleFormCs
    I don't think it's a path problem either, I have changed it and still the same, the C code I'm using it's one of the examples: InitKStep3Axis.c, it runs with the simple form but not with my program
    it keeps throwing me this error
    what could it be?

    Group: DynoMotion Message: 15122 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 10/31/2017
    Subject: Re: Can't Load C Code File to Kflop
    The KMotion Libraries expect a particular structure to all the files so the libraries can find all the necessary dll's, exe's, and data files.

    The InnerException is saying it can't find the DSPKFLOP.out firmware file.

    It looks like you copied some of our files to the Windows\System32 directory so your program could find them.  I wouldn't recommend doing this.  It would be simpler to leave everything the way it is originally installed then either target your application executable to the:




    directories (or wherever the are installed).

    Another option is to set either of those directories in the Windows PATH.

    Or you can set a registry entry for your application App Paths to those directories.


    On 10/31/2017 12:39 PM, magergar@... [DynoMotion] wrote:

    I'm trying to compile and load a C file and it stuck in this line:

    String Result =KM.CompileAndLoadCoff(1,path,false);

    it's not a communication error because I can use commands and can run the SimpleFormCs
    I don't think it's a path problem either, I have changed it and still the same, the C code I'm using it's one of the examples: InitKStep3Axis.c, it runs with the simple form but not with my program
    it keeps throwing me this error
    what could it be?

    Group: DynoMotion Message: 15124 From: magergar@hotmail.com Date: 10/31/2017
    Subject: Re: Can't Load C Code File to Kflop
    Yes, initially I copy some of the files, I set the path of the exe file output to C:\KMotion434j\KMotion\Release and now it works fine.
    thanks for the help and quick response.